Puppies born on the 21st of March 2024.
Our Jazzy and Ragnar became parents of 3 boys and 2 girls!
Mom and babies are doing great!
All 5 are spoken for, so at the moment we have no puppies available.
“We are made for loving. If we don’t love, we will be like plants without water.”
Puppies born on the 23th of August 2023
Thyra gave us 4 beautiful, healthy girls. All puppies are in their new homes.
“Four little paws can change coming back to an empty house into coming home.”
Interested in a puppy from us?
Prepare for a lot of questions. All our puppies are first and foremost bred to be family dogs and we only wish the best for them.
To make the right match we like to get to know our new puppy owners and keep in touch after our little one moves to his/her new home.
The best way is to introduce yourself and tell us what to expect: Are you alone or will the puppy live in a family? Do you have kids? If so, how old? Is this your first dog? Do you have other pets? Will the puppy be alone much? Just some basic questions......
Other things to consider: Would you like a female or male? Will the puppy be just for company or do you also like to go on dogshows? And maybe even breed in the future?
All these answers help us to make the best match....for the puppy, for you and for us. We very much like to keep in touch with our puppy owners.
All our puppies will receive:
- FCI pedigree + DNA profile
- Health declaration + European passport
- Purchase agreement
- are vaccinated/titer tested/dewormed according to schedule (Rabiës vaccination if necessary)
- puppy box with food for a minimum of 1 week + map with all the info on the puppy and parents
N.B. questions that are only about the price of a puppy are not appreciated and will not be answered. Puppys that stay in the Netherlands are ready to move to their new homes around 8-9 weeks, outside the Netherlands they must be at least 15 weeks of age due to Rabiës regulation.