Us with Ava

About us

We are Desiree and Maurice and together with our two daughters, our pack of chihuahuas and our 5 Danish farmdogs Freya, Thyra ,Jazzy, Ragnar and Evie,  we live in the very south of the Netherlands. All our dogs are part of the family and we can not imagine life without them.

For more information on our "chihuahua pack" take a look at 

Our kids and dogs are the most important part of our lives" — Dutch Angels

While we love our little rascals to pieces, we decided it was time to expand our dogfamily with a somewhat bigger and more sturdy type of dog. It was not an easy task and took a lot of research. We met different breeds on several dogshows, read a lot of books, looked at thousands of the end we fell for the Danish Swedish Farmdog. We immediately were in love, their beauty and intelligence completely won us over. 

It took a while after that to realise our plans....... getting a DSF puppie is a hefty task. We contacted several breeders in Denmark because there are not many puppies born every year and waitinglists can be very long, but eventually our patience was rewarded.

We introduce our first girl: Freya "Zkrubbe's Emi". We imported her from Denmark and are very proud to be her owners. Extra proud because she is the first ever registered female in the Netherlands by the Dutch Kennel Club (Raad van Beheer). Freya is very beautiful, sweet and loves to cuddle. She had her first litter of puppies (and first ever in the Netherlands) on the 9th of September 2022. 7 healthy puppies, 4 girls and 3 boys.

In September 2021 we added a second girl to our pack: Thyra "Piccobello Temperino's Thyra of I&J. She is a bundle of joy, very open en playful and just as beautiful as her big half-cousin Freya. Her nickname is "Tornado Thyra" We look forward to a bright and succesful future with her.

Our third girl Jazzy "Mai Tuk Jasmin" joined our family in February 2022. She is from different bloodlines as Freya and Thyra, but just as beautiful, playful and a great kisser. Beeing a real DSF, she loves to dig up the garden, hunt for rodents and make misschief together with Thyra. Another girl with a bright future ahead we hope.

From Freya's first litter we kept two puppies, Ragnar and Evie. These 2 make us more than proud, they are both beautiful, healthy and we love them to pieces. 

Check their own page for more info about: Freya, Thyra, Jazzy, Ragnar and Evie

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Want to know more? Feel free to contact us.

Freya "Zkrubbe's Emi"

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Dutch Angels
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