Come and meet us, we are Danish Swedish Farmdogs

In their land of origin the Danish Swedish Farmdog is quite well known and the official breedname is: "Dansk-Svensk Gårdshund".
The rest of the world are not as fortunate yet, they are a rare breed to this day.
We are located in the Netherlands and here these beautiful dogs are called "Deens-Zweedse Boerderijhond". In our country they are really exceptional, our Freya is the first ever registered female DSF in the Netherlands .We hope to make a change and inform more people about the DSF in general.
Do you have questions? Or would you like to know more?
Feel free to contact us, we speak Dutch/English/German/
Enjoy your visit!
puppy pageWe are a member of the Dutch Kennel Club, the Danish Kennel Klub and breed according to their rules.
We only breed puppies with FCI pedigree !